Tuesday, November 6, 2012

FYP 2 Week 1 : From Idea to realisation

This week is the first week of the new beginning in the semester 2 2012 and it’s also the beginning of my Final Year Project 2. There’s an additional information and important finding for my project and I hope my progress in creating a Vacuum Cleaner Robot won’t face any problem, insyaAllah...

Redraw my Block diagram:-

The function of my robot is to help people in cleaning their floor or any other mattress in their home by using a vacuum cleaner, Thus they just leave the robot alone to wonder or casting inside their house and they will save a lot of time and energy. Back then I’ve decided to use microcontroller PIC 16f877A to control the function and movement of my project, but now I decided to use microcontroller ATMEGA328P. The block diagram had been shown below...

It’s using the 3 infrared sensor, which is Infrared sensor 1, Infrared sensor 2, and Infrared sensor 3. Then, they will be fed into the ATMEGA328P microcontroller to control the movement of the robot which will moving forward, left, and right.

The position of the sensor will be put in front of the robot:-