Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week 2 : The important week of all

         I’ve drawn the circuit using the software called Prosteus, the circuit is drawn in the computer using the electronic component which imported in library file of that software, such as ATMEGA328P, resistor, capacitor , crystal , button and so on. I’ve shown the component that I used in designing my project below:

          After the electronic component had been selected, then the circuit will be drawn, by connecting them. Back in semester 5, I’ve taken subject called Microcontroller which also using the same simulation software. Besides, I’ve done an assignment to build a washing machine system and from that I’ve obtain an idea to use the same concept but applied in different way in order to create Vacuum Cleaner Robot.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. salam,,acap..bole x dptkan sy detail litar ni,,xbrp nak faham sngt,,
    hrap sngt dpat tlg :)
